Alo Ghosh
PROFILE: Deep and diverse finance + strategy + technology expertise and experience accrued from (1) Earning finance-systems MBA-MSE and PhD degrees from and teaching 1000's of MBAs at Wharton, (2) Co-leading McKinsey’s global corporate finance practice serving many Fortune 500 CXOs, (3) Bootstrapping and growing Techna in Silicon Valley into a geeky financial technology leader with 600 techies in 8 countries, (4) Sourcing and operating PE deals in Asia including a $B petrochem complex, (5) Heading large-scale infrastructure investments in a $4B Asia-Pacific Sovereign Fund, (5) Helping entrepreneurs disrupt financial and educational institutions in Asia, (6) Raising capital for infrastructure as head of Tusk Capital in the ASEAN now.
EXPERTISE: Data & analytics driven strategic value creator & financial innovator
1. Grounded in Advanced Analytics - OR, Computer Science, Quant Finance & Economics
2. Expert in Business Value Creation - Advise Startups→Fortune 50 CXOs/Boards globally
3. Gadfly of Digital Strategists - Hands-on in Mobile, EdTech & FinTech Economic Foundations
4. Financial Technology Acumen - Execute FinTech, SMAC and legacy-mutation projects
5. Analyst in Alternative Investments - PE, Hedge Funds, CTAs, Investment Risk Management
6. Innovation in Infrastructure Creation-Upgrading - PPP project structuring & financing
7. Hands-on Insights Indian Financial Services - Insurance, Banking, Brokerage/Investments
8. Networked into Asia-Pacific Opportunities - Finance, healthcare, infrastructure, startups
9. Teaching Business School - Lecture execs/startups on practical finance, strategy, analytics
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