
Stephen Buescher

ClearView Aerial Imagery provides first-class aerial photography and videography services at very affordable prices. We cater to media, film, construction, survey, agriculture, journalism, real estate, tourism, hospitality, and much more. Our quality tools enhance our client’s overall services, products, and image. We give our clients the leverage they need to increase their bottom line. What sets ClearView apart from other drone companies is the partners’ personal Naval Aviation experience, excellent qualifications, and FAA certifications. This allows our team to focus more on security and protection.

Our developing technologies can even assist emergency management teams in predicting landslides, floods, earthquakes, and tornados. We can also assist in helping disaster relief teams find and maintain contact with people in great danger. One of our personal passions at ClearView is providing visual aid to law enforcement. This can drastically reduce the risk to officers and civilians alike, keeping them out of harm’s way.

ClearView Aerial Imagery
– Mapping out custom flight plans for our client’s success and safety

  • Catholic-church-3d-model
    Modelo 3D da Igreja Católica

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